Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

After a friend saved me from a day of channel-hopping by asking if I'd have a quick mid-morning coffee with him at Taipei Main Station,

Monday, November 14, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
I went to Kungkuan to present myself at Pristine, a translation agency that might be in need of freelance translators. I walked in there, and the manager said: "I've seen you around." - Mh, yes, I used to live in this area. We had a nice chat, I promised to email them my resume, and then she asked if I had presented myself at the Chinese translation agency a couple of floors below. So I walked in there, straight into a Chinese-language cross fire: "What are your experiences? What is your background? Who did you work for before? Where are they located? What are your fields of expert?..." Felt a bit weird to stumble into this kind of crossfire after having been a manager of a translation agency myself :-S But I guess if they believed just anyone walking in there claiming to be a former manager of a translation agency and now being an expert freelance translator...
Thursday, November 10, 2005
work out

Reiner was working late and then called about dinner, so I suggested my beloved Alleycat's. I didn't expect to run into either Jenny or Alan, so seeing Jenny there was a niiice surprise. Hopefully, I'll manage to run into Alan on Saturday, when Roelof is having his birthday party at the Neihu Alleycat's.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
page one
Had lunch with Michele, just like I used to do most days after I stopped working. We walked into the bagel place next to the office, and the girl behind the counter smiled at us and remembered our usual order :-))

the forumosa happy hour

Monday, November 07, 2005
Walked into Hans' office this morning just like I used to do every morning before work. And what we talked about wasn't that different from back then ;-) except for the part about my reverse culture shock in Germany, like how uncomfortable I feel in German crowds whereas I can handle crowds here in Taiwan well enough. And, of course, the part about anybody in sight feeling qualified to comment on our family planning ("why haven't you stopped taking the pill yet?"), even people I've never met before. I know that it's about the same here - as soon as one is involved with a Taiwanese family. Never was for me, though, nobody ever bothered me with that while I was still here.
Got myself a phone card, too, Monika's prepaid card that she keeps using whenever she's here and that she left with a friend who works in the pseudo Goethe Institute, just around the corner from Reiner's place. And immediately started messaging. Being able to get answers was quite nice for a change :-) Afterwards, I roamed my old neighbourhood and did the whole Kungkuan tour that I did so often on the weekends: down all of Tingzhou from my place towards Keelong Road and back on Roosevelt, with a quick dash over to Hsinsheng, to check out the cd stores and Eslite.

We, Reiner, Michele and I, concluded the day with diner in Carnegie's: Fish and Chips with the most delicate mushy peas ever and two large Hoegaardens ;-)))))
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Did something today I've been meaning to do for years: Hiking up the trail in Bitan. Poor Reiner ;-) We set out for Bitan after "breakfast" (around 2.30), crossed the bridge and basically kept on walking. And suddenly found ourselves in one of the weirdest places ever.

On the way home, we bumped into a German guy I know, and he went: “Are you STILL here or again?”:-)))
Saturday, November 05, 2005
h o m e

Helle, sorry, maybe you don't want to read this :-S

And it’s nicely warm and humid, and I can still speak Chinese, and I feel completely at home and less than half as weird and out of place as I do in Germany.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
wedding anniversary
It's our second anniversary tomorrow, and since I'll spend the whole evening on the train, we opened the bottle of champagne tonight.
Happened to be "Germersheimer Zungenloeser", the champagne my Chinese professor had produced by some of his winegrower friends after he became dean of the FASK. The bottle has been waiting for the perfect occasion for two years :-)