Are we there yet?

Taipei and Halle; Taiwan and Germany - Iris and Tuesday in transition (click on the pics to enlarge them)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

i fucking hate nye

The whole concept of another year having passed is bad enough. But what's worse is that fact that the whole fucking neighbourhood started doing their firecrackers before 8pm tonight, and have been going strong for the past 4 hours. I HATE fireworks, I HATE firecrackers. Why the fuck can't people donate money to Unicef and the like instead of wasting it for stinky, ear-splitting, littering firecrackers??????????? And watching Brazil hasn't exactly eased my being edgy and feeling sick and being rude to H :-S He's taken a bottle of champagne and gone off to watch the bloody fireworks from the rooftop. Poor H, I've messed up yet another moment he probably feels I should spend with him. I'm sorry!!!!!!!! But I couldn't have any champagne anyway, I feel waaaay too edgy and literally sick. And I've never felt that a new year was something to celebrate anyway :-S Tuesday isn't too pleased with the whole noise, either. Last year wasn't half as bad, but I won't take this next year, I'll have to find some hole faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from any firecrackers and fireworks :-S

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Spot the cat...

Merry Christmas to every one!

Friday, December 08, 2006


translating a (very Chinese) guide on what to keep in mind during business negotiations with Chinese. And I'm awfully sloooooooooooooooooow :-(

But I just got my daily Asian Studies Abstract Newsletter, and it sent me a link to a site with such magnificent China pictures, I just had to share.