chinese weekend

Managed to catch the "Humanism in China" exhibition that I missed when it was in Stuttgart and Munich and had lost track of. I almost screamed when I saw the billboard on the subway in Berlin on my way to a document translation workshop (to get more secure in translating Chinese birth certificates :-S).
It's a terrific exhibition on every-day life in China, 590 pics taken by 250 different Chinese photographers during the last 50 years. It was first set up and shown in China, the set up shown in Berlin supposedly is the original set up from the Guangdong Museum of Art. H went with me and liked it just as much.
And I bought two Chinese pots in a store right next to the building where I had the workshop :-))))) H and our friends had lots of fun imagining me changing trains on the subway while dragging along two 7kg pots ;-)

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