Had lunch with Michele, just like I used to do most days after I stopped working. We walked into the bagel place next to the office, and the girl behind the counter smiled at us and remembered our usual order :-))

Had a looong lunch with lots of women's talk, and then I went towards Page One to look for the books on my shopping list, the new Mao biography by Jung Chang and the new Harry Potter. Didn't buy the books, though, because of course RichardM was right, they're not out in paperback yet, and the Mao biography was about 1200nt. I guess I'll have to try through Amazon then if I want them in English. Bought some other stuff but nothing fancy, just to have something to read while I'm here (I brought so much stuff for Reiner et al. that I hardly packed anything for myself). I did the Warner Village (nothing really interesting on)/ Mitsukoshi (how can they make profit from having 4 giant department stores one behind the other???) detour back to the MRT and went home to get ready for
the forumosa happy hour
:)))))) Of course, I had sort of timed my stay here so that I could go. And it was just as always, as if I hadn't been away :)

A couple of new faces were there and some of the usual suspects, like Bri, one of the first GC members 3 years ago and who I went to Taiwanese class with. When was that again? Or Tarra who I knew even before I moved here. And Maoman brought the t-shirts :) my name is on the back, too ;-) even though I haven't really been posting much lately :) Reiner's name is, of course, much further up, he's number 6 or so. As always, Reiner kept counting my drinks and whenever I asked if I could have another one, nodded and ordered. Paid with a minor hangover the next morning :-S
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