Are we there yet?

Taipei and Halle; Taiwan and Germany - Iris and Tuesday in transition (click on the pics to enlarge them)

Friday, November 11, 2005


I went to Kungkuan to present myself at Pristine, a translation agency that might be in need of freelance translators. I walked in there, and the manager said: "I've seen you around." - Mh, yes, I used to live in this area. We had a nice chat, I promised to email them my resume, and then she asked if I had presented myself at the Chinese translation agency a couple of floors below. So I walked in there, straight into a Chinese-language cross fire: "What are your experiences? What is your background? Who did you work for before? Where are they located? What are your fields of expert?..." Felt a bit weird to stumble into this kind of crossfire after having been a manager of a translation agency myself :-S But I guess if they believed just anyone walking in there claiming to be a former manager of a translation agency and now being an expert freelance translator...


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