My grandma was from Dresden, and Dresden is sort of important in my mum's family history.

It's not far from Halle, about 1.5h drive, and I hadn't been there since some family thing in 1996. So we went yesterday. Thank goodness the raining that sort of spoiled my Semperoper and Zwinger pics stopped soon after and I managed to get some really nice photos of the recently rebuilt Frauenkirche.

The last time I went there (not that I'd remember much) it must have been a pile of rubble, left behind after the bombing of Dresden in 1945. The rebuilding (completely financed by donations) of this church famous for its self-supported cuppola was only finished a couple of weeks ago.

As the queues for going inside were too long, we skipped that and visited an exhibition of Dresden pictures just around the corner. Which made me remember my grandma's oilpainting of Dresden that used to hang in the living room.

Though as a child, the name "Dresden" didn't mean much to me. And I can't remember having seen the painting in a loooong time. I sort of hoped that I'd recognize it if the original was in the exhibition. Didn't :-S

Of course, the center of Dresden is still a big construction site and there are many more buildings that need to be restored or made over in some way or other. But still, there's so much to see, it sort of reminded me of Paris with its grand buildings. Or some corners of Berlin. Too big, pompous and tourist-frequented for wanting to live there, of course.