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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

cell phone

Had one of my lifelines cut last night: my cell phone was stolen :-(((((((((

Weird story, too: Another guy and I were doing the weekly shift at the movie theater where I'm volunteering (as is everybody else there). We sold the tickets, started the movie and then went outside to water the hops we planted a while ago. Came back in, everything alright. A third one of the volunteers showed up and sat down outside to read. Until we heard him arguing with somebody and then calling out for us: He had caught a junkie none of us had seen or heard come in walking out the door with the cashbox, raced after him and retrieved the cashbox when the guy dropped it (wasn't really worth it anyway, most of the money in the cashbox was stolen 2 days ago :-S who knows, might have been the same guy). Anyway, we took the cashbox with us, I went back to the list I was making. And an hour later realized that my cell phone had been next to the cashbox when the guy took it. And it was - gone :-((((((( Called H and told him and then raced home to have the sim card blocked (after H had sent message after message telling the guy what an asshole he is).

It's not so much the cell phone itself or the lost numbers that has kept me up all night. I still have my old phone, the white one with the cat thingie and most of the numbers. But it's the few special messages I had saved. And the dangly thingies, my Jimmy thingie Tarra gave me and the cloisonne butterfly Arne and Nicole brought me from Beijing :-(((( And of course the possibility that whoever took it might have called half the world or a couple of porn lines before I had the sim card blocked :-S


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