H had some appointments in Hamburg, so we went a couple of days early and spent the weekend with Monika and Manfred, eating lots of fish and seafood, going on a bike tour and cruising around the port on different ferries

, with terrific views of the big container port and the Queen Mary 2.
I of course went crazy when we stumbled upon two goddesses :-)))

And then there was that moment when we were sitting in a small roadside cafe underneath apple trees just out of Hamburg and were eating red fruit jelly with vanilla sauce, and there was that plane above us, and H looked up and said: "I think it's the new airbus A380."

And all of us went: "No way!" And he looked up and said: "It is!" Mind you, it was the port anniversary, big thing with loads of people everywhere, and the site where the new airbus parts are being assembled is close by, and when we went up the dike to take a look, we could get a full view of the area and the first A380 with its Singapore Airline tail. And the big cargo plane they use to transport the airbus parts just behind. I bet my Singapore-based
plane-spotter cousin Jonathan would have loved the sight.
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