Spent a couple of days at Sari's 24sqm place in Munich and had a lot of fun doing sister stuff: swapping clothes and shoes :-),

going cocktail-bar hopping and dancing, strolling through the center of Munich and having lunch in hip places, ordering pizza

while watching silly videos, catching up on original version movies (Ice Age 2 :-), and poor Sarah had to sit with me through the Chinese version of
Wuji - weakest Chen Kaige ever (the computer graphics were hilarious) but Chinese enough to make me feel at home),

chatting about boys and family, trying out the Mongolian BBQ place she found (pretty much like in Taipei!!!

They even had loads of doufu, algae and Chinese mushrooms), taking pics of each other, writing postcards to Reiner (sorry, not posted yet), and admiring Super Twin Nanny's English twins

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