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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

bank account

I tried to open a simple bank account today. Wasn't that easy :-S
In the first bank I walked into, they went: "Do you have an appointment? All consultants are busy right now, you need an appointment. How about friday morning?" - no, thanks, I'll try a different bank.

Walked into the second bank, and the girl behind the counter paled when I mentioned opening a bank account. "Sorry, I'll have to ask somebody. I'm only a trainee". She came back with a phone number: "Sorry, all our consultants are busy right now. Please call this number and make an appointment." Thanks, I didn't want to open an account at your bank, anyway.

The third bank was the main office of the first one. "Please sit down for a couple of minutes, and we'll call your name." I had only just opened my magazine when a woman walked up to me and said: "Sorry, how do you actually pronounce your name? I was afraid of pronouncing it wrong." She was great. I had my account in no time, and in the end, she asked: "You said freelance? What kind of freelance work do you do? Are you an artist?" cool, never had anyone think that of me before :-)))))))))))))


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