The bell just rang, and I got mail. A parcel.

From (never heard of before). With three bottles of Hoegaarden :-)))) Cooooooooooooool :-) H must be the culprit :-) - oops, no, I just asked him, and he swore it wasn't him :-S Next guess: Reiner? Arne? Sarah????????
I never liked beer.

Until a close friend opened up a pizza place in Taipei 1.5 years ago and sold Hoegaarden on tap. Needless to say, with the best pizza in town and a beer he got me hooked on,
Alleycat's quickly became my favorite watering hole.

And I miss it, the pizza, the ricotta and capers/anchovis bruschetta, the hoegaarden. And Alan and Jenny and Luna and Stan and all the friends I could always be sure to run into there :-(
Off to the fridge now...
Will always miss u, Iris.
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