Are we there yet?

Taipei and Halle; Taiwan and Germany - Iris and Tuesday in transition (click on the pics to enlarge them)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


One of the questions I really, really hate is "So, do you know what you'll do when you're back in Germany?" (another one would be: "So, when will you two have the first child?"). I was so busy leaving Taiwan, I most certainly had no mind for thinking about what to do, let alone organize anything in advance. Though I do have a couple of ideas. Apart from the lounge bar thing waaaaaaaaaaay below, the most obvious would probably be doing translations. That's what I have a degree in, I've always liked doing it, and doing Chinese-German translation would be one way to keep my Chinese halfway alive. And, thanks to Fei-Fei, I just did my first trial for a job for a Taiwanese TV station that might come in September. It was a horrible text, very Taiwanese, overindulging in insignificant details instead of giving real information. But it was Chinese, and in a way, it was fun.

Some other things I might want to do would be helping Monika with whatever help she needs for her Taiwan projects. Or do anything else that pops up in connection with China or Taiwan. Or assist STAR in whatever they need assistance, either checking Chinese stuff while the China/Taiwan offices are unavailable. Or do Transit training/support up here. If they still remember that I exist, of course.
The only thing I never want to do is teaching. Strangely enough, it was always the first thing my boyfriends/husband came up with when we talked about finding a job for me: "You could teach Chinese at evening school" :-S Noooooooooooooo way :-S


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